"Bandu Awadh puri ati pawani,
Sarju sari kali kalush nasavani."

Shri Ayodhya Ji Dham is not only the most prominent center of Vedic Sanatan Dharma or Hindu religion but also the center point of mankind’s consciousness. Shri Ayodhya Ji Dham is the birthplace of Maryada Purushottam Lord Shri Ram, and also one of the seven Puris-

“Ayodhya Mathura Maya Kashi Kanchi Avantika ,
Puri Dwaravati Chaiva Saptita Mokshadayika. "

In the Ramayana composed by Valmiki, it has been said in the context of this holy place that-

“Ayodhya naam nagari tatrasillok vishruta ,
Manuna maanvendren ya puri nirmita swayam. ”

This means the city of Ayodhya was established by Manu. Elaborating this verse in Adhyatma Ramayana, it’s mentioned that – Manu means through mind, whoever has mind is either Manu or human. This mind is situated in all of us which is always vibrating and suffering from the war of instincts. When that restless mind becomes calm, free, and formless, then it is called Ayodhya. Ayodhya means which cannot be won over, how can somebody win the peak of goodness and purity! So, we can say the other name for the pure state of mind is “Ayodhya”. In this way, we come to the conclusion that victory over the mind-instincts i.e., lust, anger, pride, attachment, is to become Ayodhya, that’s why for centuries sages, rishis, saints, layman, sanyasis, all of them wants to control their instincts and prefers to do Sadhana to this holy place- Shri Ayodhya Ji Dham, which is undoubtedly helpful.

This holy abode, according to its name and greatness, calms down the mind of the devotees and easily absorbs in the sacred devotion of the Lord, so that all his desires are fulfilled and one achieves the state of Salokya Moksha during his lifetime and even after renouncing the mortal body, one attains Sarupya, Salokya or Sayojya Moksha as per his Karma-Bhakti. Explaining the glory of Ayodhya Dham, it has been said that-
“Akaro brahm cha proktam yakaro Vishnu ruchyate,
dhakaro ruroopasch Ayodhyaa Naam variate…” which depicts, In Ayodhya, ‘A’ is the form of Brahma Ji, ‘Y’ is Vishnu Ji and ‘D’ is considered as a form of Rudra. Ayodhya is formed by combining these three letters, that is, the place where Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh reside together, that is Ayodhya.

Lord Shri Ram said about Ayodhya and Saryu that, –

“Awadhpuri Mam Puri Suhawani, Uttar Disi Baha Saryu Pavani,
Ja majjan te binhin prayasa, mam sameep nar paahhein basa ...”

This says, in the north of the beautiful Ayodhya Puri, the most sacred river Saryu flows, by taking bath in this holy river, human beings live near me without any effort, i.e, after death, they reside near me in Baikunth Dham.
Only human beings can get the benefit of such a holy place and Kaliyuga-stigma, the holy pilgrimage of Shri Ayodhya ji Dham, so that, both this world and the other world could get better of the humans and the ideals of Maryada Purushottam, Shri Ram, could be published and spread all over the world.
It is our firm belief that all the physical, divine, and material sufferings of the present, whether they are personal or global, their solution can be found only by following the ideals of Lord Shri Ram.

Shri Ayodhya Ji Dham is a non-profit trust, that efforts to connect humans with this holy land in any way and to give this life diverse meaning and one gets success in attaining peace and serenity. Shri Ayodhya Ji Dham Trust has come up with the inspiration of God to make Ayodhya-Darshan simple and accessible to all the God-like devotees.

According to the great Sanatan Dharma, all human beings irrespective of where they live, the heart always remains in Ayodhya, therefore “Shri Ayodhyaji Dham Trust” helps to perform all the religious activities, Vedic rites, rituals related to Sanatan Dharma, performing worship, charity, etc. with pure and utmost devotional mind, on this holy land. It is best if the devotees can be present physically in these rituals, but if one is unable to come due to any reason then they could be present online. Our Trust is determined and gives assurance that the amount received from worship and donation etc. is fully utilized by our organization for cow-service, cow-protection, cowshed-building, and to extend food, treatment, clothes, etc. to weak and helpless people, to deliver Vedic education, assistance in higher education of students, construction of Dharamshala, renovation of old temples, etc.

“Par hit Saris Dharam Nahi Bhai.
par peeda sam nahi adhmai .....”

To get information related to Shri Ayodhya Ji Dham, festivals, daily-darshan, aarti, etc. – Register on the Trust’s website and stay connected with Shri Ayodhya Ji Dham.